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Welcome to CRS Osteopathy, a space devoted to the care of the human organism in order to maintain good health and quality of life. A duly balanced human body is strong enough to bear the stress and pressure of the daily life without feeling pain or getting sick. CRS Osteopathy treatments focus on health maintenance through a wide range of approaches. Our personalised therapies will help you enjoy a healthy and balanced body.

Christian Rubio Salvador


Osteopathy is a natural method that appeared in the United States in the late nineteenth century from the hand of Dr. Andrew Taylor Still. According to him, the mechanical principles on which osteopathy is based are as old as the human being. These principles are:

• The unity and wholeness of the body.
• The interrelationship of structure and function.
• The self-healing capacity of the body.
• The rule of the artery is supreme.

Osteopathy emphasizes on the wholeness of the body, believes and proves the close relationship existing among all the systems in the organism. A disruption on any part of the organism can affect a different one or even all of the systems. Osteopathy defends a global treatment of the body is the only way to achieve its correct functioning.

Throughout his life and studies, Andrew Taylor Still explained the important relationship between the body‘s structure and functions. He believed that any dysfunction in the structure, caused by whichever factor, would lead to the wrong functioning of the organism and that this imbalance would be the cause for the disease to appear.

“The osteopath reasons, if he reasons at all, that order and health are inseparable, and that when order in all parts is found, disease cannot prevail” -- A. Taylor Still

The main goal of an osteopath is to be an expert on the human body and to perfectly understand his or her task: to restore the balance of the structure in need. This will help the body itself to balance its functions and cure the disease. In order to achieve this, the osteopath has to ensure that the damaged parts of the body recover their proper blood circulation and waste removal through the circulatory and lymphatic systems, leading to the solving of the problem and the patient’s improvement. Osteopaths are experts in charge of the human body’s health who, thanks to their osteopathic manual therapies, help people recover proper health conditions.

About me

After being trained in Spain and Switzerland, my first contact with the field of alternative therapies happened in 2006, when I took my studies in chiromassage and sports massage. I have worked as a manual therapist for massage centers, medical clinics and soccer teams since 2007.

In 2011, I graduated from the University of Malaga after studying a Physical Education degree that enabled me to work as a physical education teacher. During my studies, I carried out a four-year training in the private School of Osteopathy of Malaga.

I also carried out some practical training in Geneva, (Switzerland) during the summers of 2009 and 2010. After some time working as an osteopath in my private clinic in Malaga, I decided to move to Copenhagen, where I have worked as an osteopath and massage therapist performing osteopathic treatments, therapeutic massages and craneosacral therapy.

While working in Copenhagen I have increased my studies in osteopathy and body therapies.
In 2012, I studied in the Spanish National Association of Osteopathy in Madrid, specialising in classical osteopathy. Since 2019, I am studying a Master of Osteopathy in the University College of Osteopathy in London, to obtain the osteopathic authorization. I work in Copenhagen as manual therapist since then and I put all my knowledge to the service of every person who requests my services.


All out treatments are personalised and tailored to each person’s needs.

A normal session will last around sixty minutes, though maintenance sessions may only take around twenty or thirty minutes. The first session may take up to sixty five minutes, as we need to fill out the patient’s profile with their medical records. We will modify this file, according to the patient’s improvements throughout their treatment.

Treatments and prices:

30-minute session: 300 DKK.
60-minute session: 500 DKK.
90-minute session: 650 DKK.

Each visit will consist of an initial screening interview, a short evaluation and the performance of the suitable treatment. Needless to say, some tips will be recommended to the patient at the end of each session to help them carry out a proper maintenance at home and extend the effect of the treatment on their bodies.

Booking Online

Access to our online booking system pressing the el purple button.

Online Booking

Payment options

- Mobil Pay
- Credit Card

Treatments can be paid in advance through bank transfer: 5301 Kontonummer: 261371


Address: 4-6 Danasvej 1910 Frederiksberg - Copenhagen

Teléfono: 53662567

Bookings will be made preferably through the online booking system. In the event the times available for bookings do not suit you, please feel free to call or send a text message and we will contact you as soon as possible.


Feel free to contact via email with any doubt or question on our treatments.